Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Hierarchy Of Evil In Modern Times ~ 3 Types Of People ~ Still Waiting On Justice But Have Continued Hope For Humanity

A couple weeks ago I was thinking about the Hierarchy of Evil and then last night with the horrible news of the Manchester Terror Attack hit me full force as though I was slapped in the face and had to get it out on Twitter because I was hurt and angry that this kind of garbage is happening.  It's being cultivated it seems, with known radical Islamist extremists, so to me these attacks are allowed to happen in our world today?!!  All of those innocent lives lost because it started with tolerant and trusting fools on the left that were duped by crazed and dark elites that mostly own MSM that are far far left.  Their worshipers are so daft they don't even know they are kooky extremist radical commies!  It's absolutely insane!  Shame on the dark and demented mice minded elites for taking advantage of such stupid people.  They didn't have a chance,really, especially since you conditioned them to be so trusting, weak, lazy, immoral and empty!

 Then today I tweeted something that should be common knowledge but in this dim and dark society where the corrupt and emotionally bankrupt ungodly rule it's not even going to make a dent.  Trying to wake up one of those fake smarties is so difficult but just know the minute their lives are so bad they will either tune in to try to fix & wake others or choose to fade away.  I have seen so many fade without question.  It's not normal!  It's not right!  You know this shows what kind of people we have running the world where they prefer savages like themselves over the meek.  Well guess what, it's the meek that will inherit the world.  I trust God.  I am sure that it will work out and we have already come so far without your "crooked" "venomous hag"!  That would have been very, VERY horrible for all of us.
The reason why I sense the elite want a sharia run world.. well to rule over such good slaves! And they would get along so well because both seem so immoral and dark to me.

Lastly I have concluded that there are three kinds of people in this world,

1.  People of the Light are moral and godly people.  Not perfect but they always try to do the right thing and try to help others.  Strong and smart also.  High information and warm hearted on #TeamHumanity.  These people in our day and age are constantly persecuted like the Christians and even in elite owned far left media like President Trump.

2. The Lost are dim or hurt people that are followers and usually follow the wrong kind of people when they should be going within and connecting with themselves and universe / God and then to other people while trying to follow Higher Principles like the Harmonious Order that include morals.

3.  People of the Lie are immoral and suffering from evil. They have a terrible ego and need to seem perfect at any and all costs.  Have no problem hurting others and selling out their own country if that means goodies for them.  Today's society treats these people best because they are easier to control.

I still have hope for humanity even though it's been so tough.  I did my part.  I gave into God.  I saw the signs.  Just waiting for Justice to kick in because if it did then our off kilter world would go back to balance I truly believe.

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